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H 234 m / medium difficult
rating 2/6
rarely used, soaring
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This is the start place for most Cross Country flights along the coast, even dynamic flights are long and incredibly beautiful.
Official landing is at the beach, there are many small rocks that can make it hard to run, boots recommended unless you are good enough for using the 20 mts. sand stripe.
Be specially careful with high tide because the beach almost disappears. Waves can get very big also, if you don't feel comfortable use a bigger piece of land before the beach, we strongly suggest that you drive and pick a landing spot first. Before driving uphill take the road that leads to San Felipe and find one that suits you.
The take off is not so great and can be tricky, normally from what it looks like a road. There are 3 "wind socks", look for them and if they all go in opposite directions you know what to do (or what not to do). Watch out for power lines.
It's also easy to be over 400 mts above de sea, if wind is coming a bit from the west, this is a nice place for maneuvers if not, forget about it. With big waves don't even try maneuvers you don't master.
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N028° 08' 28.77" W015° 36' 09.21"© · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
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