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Parapente Canaries
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Popularité: 233 Vues
Statistiques Météo Canaries
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Historique des vents maximaux journaliers | | Canaries
0 kmh
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0 m
Historique des cumuls de pluie journaliers | | Canaries
0 mm
Les Îles Canaries, situées dans l'océan Atlantique, offrent des conditions exceptionnelles pour le parapente, grâce à leur climat doux toute l'année et à la diversité de leurs paysages. Voici un guide détaillé pour planifier vos vols de parapente dans ces îles magnifiques.
Pourquoi aller faire du parapente dans les Îles Canaries
Les Îles Canaries sont réputées pour leur climat subtropical, offrant des conditions de vol idéales presque toute l'année. La diversité géographique des îles, des plages de sable fin aux impressionnants volcans, crée des conditions variées pour tous les niveaux de parapentistes.
Avantages de la région pour le parapente
- Climat: Températures douces toute l'année.
- Diversité des sites: Des sites adaptés à tous les niveaux, des débutants aux pilotes expérimentés.
- Conditions météorologiques: Des vents stables et prévisibles dans de nombreuses zones.
Inconvénients de la région pour le parapente
- Vent fort: Certaines îles, comme Lanzarote et Fuerteventura, peuvent connaître des vents forts, rendant le vol difficile pour les débutants
. - Réglementations: Des restrictions d'espace aérien peuvent exister, nécessitant une vérification préalable.
Sites de parapente connus dans la région
- Lanzarote: Famara, un site apprécié pour le soaring .
- Tenerife: Jama, Taucho, et Ifonche sont des sites populaires .
- Fuerteventura: Moins adaptée en raison de son vent fort et de l'urbanisation
Comment s'y rendre
Les principales îles disposent d'aéroports internationaux (Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, et Fuerteventura), rendant l'accès facile par avion. Les déplacements entre les îles peuvent se faire par ferry ou par vols intérieurs.
Moyen de déplacement à privilégier pour accéder aux sites
La location d'une voiture est recommandée pour une flexibilité maximale, permettant d'accéder facilement aux différents sites de vol.
Conditions Météorologiques et Climatiques idéales pour y voler
Les meilleures conditions de vol sont généralement trouvées au printemps et en automne, lorsque les vents sont modérés et les thermiques bien formés.
Sécurité et Dangers Potentiels
- Vents forts: Particulièrement sur les îles orientales.
- Espaces aériens restreints: Nécessité de se renseigner sur les restrictions locales.
Activités alternatives
En cas de conditions météorologiques défavorables, les îles offrent une multitude d'activités : randonnée, VTT, surf, et exploration culturelle.
- Logement: De nombreuses options disponibles, des hôtels aux locations de vacances.
- Guides et écoles de parapente: Il est conseillé de voler avec des guides locaux pour une expérience sécurisée et enrichissante.
Les Îles Canaries offrent une expérience de vol unique pour les parapentistes de tous niveaux, grâce à leur climat exceptionnel et à la diversité de leurs paysages. En vous préparant correctement et en respectant les conditions locales, vous êtes sûr de profiter pleinement de votre aventure de parapente dans cet archipel magnifique.
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les meilleurs spots de Parapente | Canaries
Mesa del Mar_Tacoronte
H 256 m, L 5.000 m / difficult
rating 1/6
rarely used, cliff coastal soaring. takeoff option around here, there may be others. limited landing possibilities below.
but: CTR, airport runway heads to this direction... !
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function cIt(iIP)
Altitud máxima del despegue 240 m, con orientación Noroeste, Norte
Desde Tacoronte en dirección a Mesa del Mar primera entrada a la Izda. aparcar al final y caminar unos 50 metros.
Desnivel máximo de 240 m
N028° 29' 55.13" W016° 25' 20.34"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 226 Vues
La Barranda
H 744 m
rating 2/6
rarely used, soaring
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N028° 24' 48.27" W016° 21' 42.99"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 223 Vues
H 74 m / medium
rating 2/6
occasionall used, soaring
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Region: null - SpainSee flights near this point [ 2 ]Site record : 0.3 kmLink to more information : -
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N028° 25' 22.74" W016° 17' 44.13"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 217 Vues
La Laguna_Mesa Mota_
H 667-690 m, HD 65 m
rating 1/6
rarely used, soaring.
near airport, you should not fly higher than the ridge - limited soaring. Various launch possibilities, natural takeoffs.
Region: null - SpainSee flights near this point [ 2 ]Site record : 0.4 kmLink to more information : -
Altitud máxima del despegue 591 m, con orientación Sur, Sureste
Carretera de La Laguna hacia Las Mercedes torcer a la Izda. hacia el estadio Fco. Peraza y la primera a la dcha., primer desvío a la izda. seguir la pista unos 400 m.
Desnivel máximo de 61 m
Take off :
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N028° 30' 23.49" W016° 19' 44.59"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 215 Vues
Güimar_Montana Grande Volcano
H approx. 230 m
rating 1/6
no flightlogs found
function cIt(iIP)
LocationN28°18.968' W016°22.549'
Altitude250m MSL
Elevation160m ALZ
SportPG, HG
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N028° 18' 55.40" W016° 22' 30.59"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 213 Vues
Cuesta de Silva
H 234 m / medium difficult
rating 2/6
rarely used, soaring
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function cIt(iIP)
This is the start place for most Cross Country flights along the coast, even dynamic flights are long and incredibly beautiful.
Official landing is at the beach, there are many small rocks that can make it hard to run, boots recommended unless you are good enough for using the 20 mts. sand stripe.
Be specially careful with high tide because the beach almost disappears. Waves can get very big also, if you don't feel comfortable use a bigger piece of land before the beach, we strongly suggest that you drive and pick a landing spot first. Before driving uphill take the road that leads to San Felipe and find one that suits you.
The take off is not so great and can be tricky, normally from what it looks like a road. There are 3 "wind socks", look for them and if they all go in opposite directions you know what to do (or what not to do). Watch out for power lines.
It's also easy to be over 400 mts above de sea, if wind is coming a bit from the west, this is a nice place for maneuvers if not, forget about it. With big waves don't even try maneuvers you don't master.
contact: http://bygfparagliding.com (guides)
N028° 08' 28.77" W015° 36' 09.21"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 213 Vues
Barranco Hondo
H 657 m / medium
rating 3/6
occasionally used, soaring, some xc possible.
some say it is nice, others say the takeoff sucks.
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Region: null - SpainSee flights near this point [ 41 ]Site record : 7.5 kmLink to more information : -
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Altitud máxima del despegue 720 m, con orientación Noreste, Este, Sureste
Desde Sta Cruz de T. hacia Sur por C822, 18km, Subir al pueblo de Bco. Hondo y dirigirse hacia el campo de fútbol, 20 metros antes girar a la dcha. y subir a la montaña.
LocationN28°23.910' W016°22.114'
Altitude660m MSL
Elevation660m ALZ
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Take off :
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N028° 23' 55.74" W016° 22' 07.92"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 211 Vues
H 33 m / difficult
rating 2/6
non official, little room for error, rarely used, soaring
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Region: Tenerife North - SpainSee flights near this point [ 12 ]Site record : 15.5 kmLink to more information : -Little takeoff above a sea cliff.
N028° 33' 21.82" W016° 20' 29.00"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 211 Vues
Arafo 1a
H 1270 m
rating 3/6
regularly used, soaring, xc direction South possible.
several takeoff possibilities nearby, this is the most used one.
Region: Tenerife - SpainSee flights near this point [ 73 ]Site record : 17.4 kmLink to more information : -
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function cIt(iIP)
Take off :
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N028° 22' 39.36" W016° 25' 50.07"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 210 Vues
Arafo 1b
H 1322-1344 m
rating 3/6
regularly used, soaring, xc direction South possible.
several takeoff options.
Region: Tenerife - SpainSee flights near this point [ 73 ]Site record : 17.4 kmLink to more information : -
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function cIt(iIP)
Take off :
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N028° 22' 42.56" W016° 25' 57.82"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 209 Vues
Arafo 2
H 1038 m / medium
rating 2/6
no flightlogs found. Rather for commercial tandem flights to the coast
function cIt(iIP)
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N028° 22' 01.98" W016° 25' 46.60"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 208 Vues
H 33 m / medium
rating 2/6
occasionally used, coastal soaring for experienced pilots. do not fly over the building of the Guardia Civil (right next to the takeoff). Experienced pilots only.
Region: null - SpainSee flights near this point [ 34 ]Site record : 10.5 kmLink to more information : -
function cIt(iIP)
Anfahrt Von Santa Cruz auf der TF1 Richtung Süden nach Candelaria. Nach der Ausfahrt im ersten Kreisverkehr geradeaus Richtung Guardia Civil. Genau vor der Guardia Civil ist ein kleiner Platz der als Start und Landeplatz dient. NICHT über das Gebäute der Guardia Civil fliegen!!
Naturstart nach O. Wind sollte schon etwas stärker sein. So um die 20 km/h.
Bemerkung Mehr als zwei in der Luft sollte vermieden werden!
Landeplatz Toplanden, südlich auf der Landzunge oder am Strand (nicht gerne gesehen). Zur Not geht auch der Kirchplatz ;-)
Bemerkung Nicht für Anfänger geeignet !!
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N028° 21' 01.71" W016° 22' 10.76"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 205 Vues
Mesa del Mar_La Baranda
H 500 m / medium
rating 3/6
regularly used, soaring, xc possible
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Region: - SpainSee flights near this point [ 57 ]Site record : 23.2 kmLink to more information : -Impressive coastal ridge soaring, with raging unlandable surf below, then a small black sand beach. Gorgeous!
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N028° 28' 08.14" W016° 25' 58.79"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 201 Vues
Taganana 1
H 408 m, L 11.500 m / medium-difficult
rating 3/6
occasionally used, soaring, coastal xc possible for experienced pilots. This is the "new" launch, we should not any longer take off in front of the cemetery directly in Taganana
Region: null - SpainSee flights near this point [ 44 ]Site record : 17.2 kmLink to more information : -
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there are also other launch possibilites around called Taganana:
function cIt(iIP)
Take off :
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Altitud máxima del despegue 240 m (? that would be another launch.) , con orientación Noroeste, Norte
En el pueblo de Taganana preguntar por el nuevo despegue (no utilizar el despegue antiguo del cementerio)
Desnivel máximo de 240 m (? that is the cemetery launch not to be used any more)
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N028° 33' 28.21" W016° 13' 38.28"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 191 Vues
La Punta del Hidalgo alternative
H 36 m / difficult
rating 3/6
regularly used, soaring
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Region: null - SpainSee flights near this point [ 105 ]Site record : 16.7 kmLink to more information : -
function cIt(iIP)
N028° 34' 22.56" W016° 19' 01.37"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 190 Vues
Punta del Hidalgo
H approx. 18 m, L 700-16.000 m / medium
rating 2/6
rarely used, coastal soaring - with NNE also coastal xc westbounds possible, 16 km out and return - that one is for experts. if you want to ride the whole area here the new Taganana launch seems to be easier as its orientation is NNW.
various takeoff options on the ridge.
Region: null - SpainSee flights near this point [ 105 ]Site record : 16.7 kmLink to more information : -
Going there: northern part of Tenerife, from La Laguna via Tequeste - after Punta del Hidalgo.
because of the orientation (rather rarely fitting wind) and because of clouds which form here rather often it is not often that you can fly here.
Landing: toplanding, or at beach parking, northern end
N028° 34' 27.37" W016° 19' 03.40"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 175 Vues
H 110 m
rating 2/6
rarely used, soaring
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N028° 24' 11.13" W016° 19' 41.06"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 170 Vues
Las Teresitas
H 73-82 m / medium
rating 3/6
occasionally used, cliff launch, endless soaring
Region: null - SpainSee flights near this point [ 92 ]Site record : 4.5 kmLink to more information : -
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Auf der Schnellstraße TF11 von Santa Cruz Richtung San Andres. Am Ortsausgang von San Andres ist "Playa de las Teresitas" angeschrieben. Zum Startplatz weiter Richtung Igueste.
Naturstart nach S / SO. Entweder direkt an der kleinen Antenne oder auf dem Feldweg in der Linkskurve weiter oben - ist von Strand aus sichtbar
Bemerkung Windspione sind hier besonders wichtig wegen Leefallen.
Landeplatz Am Streifen zwischen Wand und Parkplatz. Im Winter auch am Strand möglich, ist aber nicht gerne gesehen wegen den Badegästen.
Bemerkung Der wohl schönste Strand in Tenerife.
http://www.zonasdevuelo.com/zonasvuelo.html?fz=450 / Las Gaviotas:
Altitud máxima del despegue 92 m, con orientación Noreste
Valle de San Andre, ctra desde la playa de Las Teresitas hacia Igueste, justo en el mirador de la playa.
Soaren bis die Ohren abfallen.
NICHT BEI WESTWIND!! Sobald der Wind von SAnta Cruz herkommt , gibt es beachtliche Rotoren.
Ansonsten: Liegt im CTR des Airports Norte !!. Höhenbegrenzung 700m!!
Sonst biste im Radar ( haqb ich hinter mir , weil ich NIX wusste )
Landeplatz Auf dem Platz am Ende des Strandes, Vorsicht hier ist ein Kabel, oder direkt am Strand von "Playa de las Teresitas". Ist aber nicht gern gesehen wegen den Badegästen.
Bemerkung Ist für mich der schönste Strand von Teneriffa. Wenig Touristen und schön flach zum Schwimmen.
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Take off :
Take of close to the antenas is pretty small so you need to be rather sure everything is OK with your start before you take off. It is preferrable to make sure that no car is passing by exactly at that moment.
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Flight regulation :
I believe Generally it is not allowed to land on beach (sand) on the Tenerife island, so you might better stay up in the air in peak season :).
Tourism : There is bar and good food directly on the beach.
N028° 30' 38.66" W016° 11' 15.84"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 169 Vues
Km 13
H 139 m
rating 1/6
no flightlogs found
contact: http://bygfparagliding.com (guides)
When the wind comes from the north-north-west but it´s too windy for Coloradas and you have cross wind from the left hand side in Cuesta de Silva, then KM 13 might be your only choice left.
The take off is the big flat land on top of the mountain you see on the picture, the best thing for landing is to top land but also less than a Km to the west (not visible on the pic) you have a big piece of land next to a restaurant named El Pasito, just watch out for cables. But normally you can start here a long soaring flight along the coast, in both directions you have good walls like this, but again, be very careful with power lines.
Getting there by car is very complicated to explain so I won't even try, I thing the quickest thing if you don't know the area, would be to walk up, leave your car at the restaurant next to the gas station and bring some water, it's only 90 mts. high.
N028° 08' 36.59" W015° 33' 46.19"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 163 Vues
Taganana 2
H 197 m
rating 2/6
ASK locals - not official. Some say 'do not start near the cemetry'.
Better and accepted takeoff -> use the new launch Taganana 1, please.
Occasionally used, soaring, xc possible.
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N028° 33' 45.99" W016° 13' 10.34"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 163 Vues
San Andres_Las Teresitas_Mirador 1
H 157 m
rating 2/6
occasionally used, soaring
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Region: - SpainFlüge in der Nähe dieses Punktes anzeigen [ 19 ]Fluggebietsrekord : 4.2 kmLink für mehr Information : -
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function cIt(iIP)
Take off :
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N028° 30' 43.20" W016° 10' 44.40"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 163 Vues
Arafo 1c
H 1322-1344 m
rating 3/6
regularly used, soaring, xc direction South possible.
several takeoff options.
Region: Tenerife - SpainSee flights near this point [ 73 ]Site record : 17.4 kmLink to more information : -
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function cIt(iIP)
Take off :
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N028° 22' 44.04" W016° 25' 53.65"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 160 Vues
H 238 m / medium-difficult
rating 1/6
walk&fly, rarely used, soaring
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N028° 34' 24.16" W016° 10' 59.53"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 160 Vues
La Punta del Hidalgo alternative
H 36 m / difficult
rating 2/6
occasionallly used, soaring
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Region: null - SpainSee flights near this point [ 105 ]Site record : 16.7 kmLink to more information : -
function cIt(iIP)
N028° 34' 17.90" W016° 19' 00.48"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 158 Vues
San Andres_Las Teresitas_Mirador 2
H 157 m
rating 1/6
rarely used. good soaring if the wind is on
Region: - SpainFlüge in der Nähe dieses Punktes anzeigen [ 19 ]Fluggebietsrekord : 4.2 kmLink für mehr Information : -
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function cIt(iIP)
N028° 30' 43.65" W016° 10' 43.28"© paraglidingspots.com · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularité: 149 Vues