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Parapente Ponta de Pargo Quinta
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Dir. vent :
Vent: Mini: 0| Maxi 25 kmh Rafale Max : 30 kmh
H 320 m / medium rating 1/6 large space, often wind is not straight, walk over / start from private ground - ask for permiission first. No flightlogs found. rarely used. function cIt(iIP) - Take off : big gras fields on top of steep sea cliff near the Chapell/little church in the village of Capela, More information on ParaglidingEarth takeoff big gras fields on top of steep sea cliff near the Chapell/little church in the village of Capela, landing toplanding or beach near cable car station at sealevel at Achadas da Cruz access road from Ponta do Pargo to Porto Moniz, follow the sign Capela private take-off, it is necessary to get in touch with the owner before flying to receive flying permission, it is agriculture land and animals are always around! contact AVLM - Madeira Paragliding and Hanggliding Association. Website : Email : Telf : +351968812390 Adress : Caminho Santa Clara - Teleferico do Rancho Camara de Lobos - 9300-328 Madeira (Portugal) -/- Hartmut Peters Tel. +351964133907 Aeroclube da Madeira Mobil:+351964092580 Tel : +351291228311 Fax : +351291228311 Email : aeroclubemadeira(at)netmadeira(dot)com Website : Adress : Rua do Castanheiro, E2 9000-081 Funchal web tourism Close