Located in Switzerland, this paragliding site offers a take-off altitude of 1390 meters and is highly popular among pilots. The site is known for excellent cross-country (XC) flying opportunities, especially from mid-March to early May when the launch area is usually snow-free. However, good flights are also possible in February, albeit in snowy conditions.
The take-off point is a 15-minute walk east from the cable car station. The launch area is situated on a visible hill and faces the Magadino plain. Pilots should be skilled in handling side winds, which often come from the right.
Caution is advised not to fly deep into the valley to the west of the launch site, as this can lead to difficulties.
For more details, visit [Mornera Paragliding](http://www.mornera.ch).
The region north of Mornera features peaks reaching nearly 3000 meters, with limited landing options. Only experienced alpine pilots should venture into these areas. Avoid flying in Foehn conditions, which can manifest as irregular breezes at the launch site. For weather updates, consult local pilots, flight schools, or Meteo Switzerland Locarno Monti.
In the direction of Locarno, avoid the Locarno (Magadino) CTR. Stay close to the slope and consult the 'Segelflugkarte 1:300 000 Schweiz' for detailed CTR information. Military exercises often activate TMA 1 on the Magadino plain during weekdays. When TMA 1 is active, the maximum altitude should not exceed 600 meters. Check NOTAMs or call 091 / 735 15 60 (Locarno airport) for updates.
Mornera is suitable for advanced student pilots with good take-off techniques. Evening flights with a mix of thermal and dynamic conditions are possible, but the site is primarily favored by cross-country enthusiasts.
Possible cross-country routes include flying east to Sassariente (1767 m) via Capanna Albagno (1867 m) and Cima di Sassello (1890 m). With sufficient altitude, you can cross the Verzasca valley to reach Cimetta. To the west, you can land at Alpe Mognone (1463 m), paying attention to valley breezes. Further west, you can reach Parüsciana (1253 m) and Capanna Brogoldone (1910 m), then head north to Valle Leventina and Valle di Blenio or continue west to Valle Mesolcina.
For more information, visit [CVLT](http://www.cvlt.ch/index.php/siti-di-volo-mainmenu-174/localitainmenu-137).
The official landing sites include Bellinzona Liceo, Bellinzona ai Saleggi, and Sementina Buion, each with varying levels of difficulty. Be cautious of rotors and strong valley winds at these sites.
For a visual overview, check out this [YouTube video](
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