Parapente Jersey

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Parapente Jersey
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Parapente Jersey

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0°c 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

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0 kmh 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

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0 mm 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

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Parapente Jersey
Flyeol Parapente

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les meilleurs spots de Parapente | Jersey

Bonne nuit

Conditions Optimales N NNE
Biggest and highest site on the island. The take off is on private land and is used by kind permission of the owner.

North to NNE winds, For such a large site it has a strangely narrow direction band after which it can be turbulent.

Take off is easy. Top-landing OK unless in higher winds as it is in a strong lift band. If it gets too strong land in a field behind the road. Bottom landing is tricky - a narrow stoney beach that disappears at high tide.

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Bonne Nuit Bay offers a unique coastal soaring experience. The launch site, situated at 450 feet above mean sea level, is the highest on the island. The smooth grass launch area is located on the eastern side of the Bonne Nuit 'Bowl,' providing a significant lift band that allows for extended flights over the sea when winds are between 330° and 030°. If the wind drops unexpectedly, the gentle slope allows for side landings, and there is usually some beach available as a last resort. A cliff path about a third of the way up the face facilitates easy recovery from side landings. One of the perks of this site is the convenience of landing on the beach, packing up your glider, and enjoying a meal at the nearby café. Friendly locals are often willing to chat about flying and may even offer a lift back to the launch site. On optimal days with winds between 350° and 010°, it is possible to cross the bay and soar the western side past La Saline. The cliffs here are steeper, making side or bottom landings challenging, but there are a few top landing areas available. The cliff path runs along most of the ridge, aiding in recovery. For paragliders, the site is primarily used for top landing due to the small landing area, although recent scrub clearance has improved conditions. Hang gliders (HGs) can use nearby large fields for top landing or the Les Platons top landing area. Parking is available in a nearby car park, and paragliders can walk over from there. Hang gliders are better off heading to Les Platons, as it ends up being the same site once airborne. For more information, contact Nick at 01534 863972. Weather updates can be found at: Before flying, please contact: Watch a video of the site: Additional details: 
Popularité: 444 Vues
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l'Etacq (South facing)

Conditions Optimales S
For South winds. The flyable area is very small and limited. Easy take off and top landing. Bottom-landing available on beach.

Popularité: 329 Vues
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Portelet Common

Conditions Optimales W WSW
WSW winds (270-240) - avoid if 280 or more as wind can get turbulent. Medium sized double-bowl.

Easy take off and landings. Bottom-landing on small tight stoney beaches.

This site is the smallest on the Island, featuring a unique double 'bowl' flying experience. Coastal soaring is occasionally practiced here. Before flying, contact the local club at The wind direction should be between 230° and 280°. The 200ft ridge is generally smooth, although you might encounter some turbulence near the southern point. The launch site is fairly clear and located just off the cliff path around the southern bowl. This site offers excellent scenery but is limited to just two flyers at a time due to its size. Top landing is reasonably easy, but the beach landing area is small and rocky, making it less suitable for modern hang gliders. Be aware that the site can be rough without any apparent reason. Flight regulations require maintaining 150 feet ATO (Above Take Off). For more information, contact Nick at 01534 863972. Check the weather conditions at Take off is best with W'ly or WNW'ly winds. The northerly face has been flown but tends to be rough.

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Popularité: 292 Vues
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La Pulente

Conditions Optimales N NNW
For North and north-west winds. The ridge is small but can generate some nice lift.

An easy place for beginners or for low-level mucking about. When the wind is more westerly can go over the pub to the golf course area.

Easy take off and top-landing. Bottom-landing available on sandy beach.

The launch site, situated at 180 feet, can be a bit cluttered, so it's essential to be cautious. The ideal wind direction for launching is between 330° and 360°, but this site is not the first choice when the wind is suitable for flying at Bonne Nuit. The beach serves as an excellent bottom landing area, popular among hang glider pilots. For top landings, there is a designated area set back from the ridge. Just north of the ridge, you'll find a parking area with direct access to a dune grass area, perfect for ground handling practice when the wind is light and westerly. If conditions are right, you can soar the 15-foot sea wall, which is a fun and educational exercise due to the small control inputs required. However, be careful not to let the glider's lines contact the wall to avoid damage. The ideal wind for takeoff is NNW, with northerly winds being acceptable but limiting how far up the coast you can fly. Westerly winds can make flying on the sand dunes and ridges perpendicular to the right-hand side of the site very flyable but may reduce the opportunities for smooth top landings. For more information, visit the Jersey Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club's site: Weather updates can be found at: To get there, from St Brelades, turn left through Parcq de L'Oeillerre, nearly opposite the turning for the Atlantic Hotel. Navigate through the residential estate to reach the parking area. This site is considered one of the most fun in Jersey, with a pub at the bottom. While other sites may offer more altitude and distance, La Pulente is the most interesting and varied to fly. Watch videos of the site: - [Video 1]( - [Video 2]( - [Video 3]( - [Video 4]( 

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Popularité: 288 Vues
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La pulente WNW

Conditions Optimales NW WNW
Small area for a WNW wind. Take off from a very low hillock to the north of an only slightly bigger hill which summits to a golf course (hence the name). Take-off can be a little tricky - you have to stick close to the hill.

On stronger days you can push out over the road and soar the sea wall all the way to Sands. Or head South over the road behind the pub for some height.

Large grassy area for bottom-landings.
Popularité: 282 Vues
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Etacq (Ariels)

Conditions Optimales SW
For SW winds. Best site at l'Etacq with a good-sized ridge that you can soar to a small quarry. Bottom-landing available on beach.

The southern edge of the L'Etacq area is flyable with a wind direction around 180° - 210°. Coastal soaring is possible here, with options for both toplanding and bottom landing. A small cleared launch site is available just northeast of the pinnacle, thanks to a small furze fire a couple of years ago. Hang gliders typically launch from an area further east along the ridge, but this site can be tricky for paragliders due to the presence of a few television aerials along the ridge. Side landing is possible, but with the wide open beach within gliding distance, it's not really necessary. The ridge is fairly shallow in places and does not produce a very wide lift band, so no more than two gliders can be up at any one time. Takeoff is best with a southwest to south wind. Lots of gorse has been cleared, making takeoff easier than it used to be. Top landing can be a little rough, but bottom landing is straightforward on the wide sweep of St Ouen's Bay. Flight regulation requires maintaining 150 feet above takeoff (ATO). For more information, contact Nick at 01534 86397

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Popularité: 273 Vues
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l'Etacq (Cliffs)

Conditions Optimales W WSW
For West winds. Can be turbulent but is a dramatic area with steep cliffs. 

Top landing OK. Bottom landing available as fairly small stoney beach.

This coastal soaring site offers good flying conditions, although no flight logs are available. Before flying, contact the local club at [this link]( Watch a video of the site [here]( More details can be found [here]( The launch site is located towards the southern edge of the ridge, with a dusty ground surface and nearby car parking. The takeoff height is 240 feet, and while generally manageable, the rough, steep cliff faces can occasionally cause slight turbulence. Optimal wind direction for this site is between 250° and 280° to ensure it hits the cliff face directly. For weather updates, visit [this link]( The takeoff direction is WSW, and it is quite easy to manage. Landing is challenging due to solid rocks below, making it suitable only for top landing. Pilots can fly back and top land on the Jersey Model Aero Club landing strip. While the site offers great views, it lacks the excitement of others and has very little thermal lift. Pilots can see large German artillery gun barrels that were thrown over the Grosnez cliff at the end of the war. Flight regulations require maintaining 150 feet ATO. For further assistance, contact Nick at 01534 863972.
Popularité: 267 Vues
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Conditions Optimales SE ESE
This site is primarily suited for hang gliding with coastal soaring conditions. There are no recorded flight logs for paragliding. Takeoff is oriented SE-ESE. Top landing is only possible for hang gliders, with a very small bottom landing area among rock outcrops. Landing is available in the field behind the takeoff area. The site can be thermic, allowing flights over St Aubin's harbour and onto the ridge above La Haule. Flight regulation requires maintaining 150 ft ATO (Above Takeoff). For more information, you can contact Nick at 01534 863972.

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Popularité: 264 Vues
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Bouley Bay (Jardine)

Conditions Optimales NNE
For NNE winds. Medium sized area and fairly high. A nice spot.
Take off and landing easy (is also possible at area just after car park and at bench).
Tricky bottom-landing to West on stoney beach which disappears at high tides.

Jardin D'Olivet is a coastal soaring site with a scenic view, primarily suitable for hang gliders. The northern cliff face, located towards the bottom right-hand side of the picture, is the main area for flying. A wind direction between 010° and 040° is necessary for flight here. The cliff top is approximately 340 feet above mean sea level (amsl), but it is not very paraglider-friendly. The wind conditions required for flying here are similar to those at the Bonne Nuit site. Due to the lack of clean paraglider launch sites, it is generally avoided by paragliders and is more suitable for rigid flyers. Takeoff is possible with a northerly wind, and the area is very scenic. However, ensure you can top land before attempting to take off. Fly-on-the-wall landings are possible here for hang gliders. Top landing is recommended only for hang gliders, except for the very slowest types. The rocky 'beach' landing is the same as that for Vicard and should be avoided if possible. The top landing area is quite large. Flight regulations require maintaining 150 feet above takeoff (ATO). For more information, contact Nick at 01534 863972 or visit before flying. For additional details, you can check

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Popularité: 262 Vues
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Bouley Bay

Conditions Optimales E ENE NE
NE to East winds. 2nd biggest site on the island with a steep take off running down to the sea. 

Top landing is tight and tricky in high wind as it is in the lift band. You can land back at the car park but that can be a turbulent option.

No bottom-landing until you get to the stoney beach of Bouley Bay itself to the south which disappears at high tide.

Vicard is an eastern cliff face that requires a wind direction between 050° and 090° for optimal flying conditions. The launch site is located towards the southern edge of the ridge, approximately 320 feet above mean sea level (amsl). It can be challenging to find as it is obscured by bracken and gorse. The cliffs are steep, providing a wide lift band, but there is very little beach at the bottom. Side landing is possible around most of the area, though it is best to avoid the strenuous climb back to the top. The take-off area faces ENE and offers easy, wide take-offs if the gorse hasn't grown back too much. While the rocky beach is landable for a hang glider, it is not recommended. Top landing is generally advised, except for gliders specifically designed for dune gooning, such as the Malibu. The site offers significant height and fantastic views, but transporting a hang glider from the car parking area to the top can be quite a trek. Flight regulations stipulate a maximum altitude of 150 feet above take-off (ATO). For more information, contact Nick at 01534 863972. Before flying, visit for additional details. You can also check out this video for a visual overview: 

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Popularité: 255 Vues
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-HG Les Platons

Conditions Optimales N NNW NW NE NNE
This site has a height of 135 meters and is rarely used for paragliding. It is primarily a hang glider takeoff spot, and no flight logs have been found. Before flying, contact the local club at [this link]( Takeoff is best with a northerly wind, specifically at 010 degrees. This allows for soaring along a large part of the North Coast. Only take off if the forecast indicates that the wind will remain soarable, as there are very few safe bottom landing options on Jersey's North Coast. For landing, the site is top landable. The beach below is very rocky and narrow, making it unsuitable for hang gliders but acceptable for paragliders. The nearby beach at Bonne Nuit is a better option but still not recommended for hang gliders. Hang gliders can 'fly on the wall' at this location. To get there, head towards the aerials down a dirt track. The takeoff area is to the east of the aerials. This site is recommended only for experienced soaring pilots. Flight regulations require maintaining 150 ft ATO (Above Takeoff). For more information, contact Nick at 01534 863972.
Popularité: 113 Vues
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Conditions Optimales N NNW NW ENE NE NNE
Plemont, located on the North coast, is primarily known for coastal soaring and toplanding. This site is typically flown as part of the Greve de Lecq area or when navigating the North Coast from Bonne Nuit bay. It is important to note that Plemont is not an official paragliding site, and there are no bottom landing options available. Additionally, there are no flight logs or extensive information available for this location.
Popularité: 112 Vues
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-HG Greve de Lecq

Conditions Optimales N E ENE NE NNE
This site is primarily suitable for Hang Gliding rather than Paragliding. Coastal soaring is possible, and top landing can be done on the clay pigeon range. However, it is not very friendly for Paragliding, and no flight logs have been found for this location. Takeoff is from the clay pigeon range, facing N'Easterly. The site has a history of Hang Gliding dating back to 1976. Flight regulations require maintaining 150 feet ATO (Above Takeoff). For more information, you can contact Nick at 01534 863972. Before flying, please visit [this site]( For additional details, you can check [this page](
Popularité: 110 Vues
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