The App


H 329 m
rating 2/6
occasionally used, xc possible.
Region: - PortugalSee flights near this point [ 10 ]Site record : 27.7 kmLink to more information : -
Região: Madeira - PortugalVêr voos próximos a este ponto [ 9 ]Recorde do local de voo : 27.7 kmLink com mais informação : -
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function cIt(iIP)
Direcção em descolagens: NWN: 32.8238, W: -16.98439Adequado para Parapente: Níveis 1 e 2Acesso: Carro, a PéAltitude: 314m (diferença máxima de altitude 296m para este local)
- Name: Ponta Delgada (Antenas)- Better for: Paragliders- Terrain and inclination: - Skill Level:- Dimensions:- Flight Type:- Top Landing Possible:- Recommended Winds:- GPS:- Height:- Distance to nearest landing:Obs:- Useful contacts: Airport tower (please inform the tower, using this number, the takeoff place, landing and estimated height and duration of the flight): Tower 00 351 291520612- Civil Protection: 291 700 112/6- Emergency number: 112
DHV Details anzeigen
N032° 49' 25.53"   W016° 59' 03.64"© · last update 8/2021Feedback / Correction
best Conditions:
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 25 kmh Gust Max : 30 kmh
Direction: NNW NW WNW

Created 22 Dec 2023 by Kiteslave