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Burney Mountain, located in Northern California, offers a unique paragliding experience. The main takeoff is situated at an elevation between 2300-2395 meters, with a height difference of approximately 800 meters. This site is rarely used and is best suited for thermal soaring with early morning takeoffs, as it often becomes blown out later in the day. The launch area is just below the lookout tower, accessible from the side of the road. Pilots typically need to launch around 8 AM to take advantage of the calmer conditions. Burney Springs serves as the primary landing zone (LZ), although it is not ideal for hang gliders. Paragliders, however, find it suitable. Note that the LZ is not visible from the launch site; you must fly south a bit to spot it. If you don't gain enough altitude to reach the town of Burney or the Rim LZs, you must land at Burney Springs. Landing in any of the green fields in Hat Creek Valley is strictly prohibited to maintain good relations with local landowners. For more information, you can visit: - [Burney Mountain Site Information]( - [Burney Mountain on BHGC]( Check the weather forecast before planning your flight: - [Weather Forecast for Burney Mountain]( For a visual overview, you can watch these videos: - [Vimeo Video]( - [YouTube Video]( Please note that the landing zone has become smaller due to tree growth, and the site is unregulated. Always check for the latest comments and updates from local pilots.
best Conditions:
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 25 mph Gust Max : 18 mph

Created 24 Dec 2023 by Kiteslave