There is 70 sites to discover in Mexico and 1 guides available
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Valle de Bravo
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Why go to Valle de Bravo, Mexico
Valle de Bravo is a premier paragliding destination in Mexico, known for its consistent and reliable flying conditions. It's not just a good place to fly; i ...
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The Top 20 Paragliding sites in Mexico:
El Torre, Valle de Bravo
Altitude and Flight Conditions: The Valle de Bravo site is located at an altitude of 2188 meters, making it an exceptional spot for short to medium-length paragliding flights. It is particularly noted for its superb afternoon soaring conditions. Pilots can expect consistent and enjoyable flights due to the site's altitude and climatic conditions.
Location and Accessibility: Valle de Bravo is situated about 150 kilometers from Mexico City, nestled in a picturesque area. The best period for visiting and experiencing optimal flying conditions is between November and January. This timeframe offers the most favorable weather for paragliding, with less likelihood of rain and more stable thermal conditions.
Takeoff Site - La Torre: The primary takeoff point is La Torre, known for its reliable soaring conditions, especially after 2 PM. The area is equipped with a shuttle service provided by the local flying school, making it convenient for pilots to reach the takeoff site. The takeoff area itself is on a steep concrete slope, which, while challenging, offers exciting opportunities for experienced pilots. Good wing control is essential here, particularly in strong wind conditions.
Landing Zone: The designated landing area is close to a water body. Pilots should note that the size of the landing zone can vary depending on the water level. The landing area was improved in 2005, enhancing safety and accessibility for pilots.
Popular Flying Destination: Valle de Bravo is not only Mexico's most popular flying site but also a favored weekend getaway for residents of Mexico City. It attracts a large number of paragliding enthusiasts due to its consistent and favorable flying conditions. The site is flyable throughout the year, but the period from November to March is particularly ideal, thanks to the near-perfect flying weather.
Microclimate: The unique microclimate created by the nearby lake is a significant factor contributing to the ideal flying conditions at Valle de Bravo. This microclimate ensures consistent and reliable wind speeds, perfect for soaring from noon until sunset.
Seasonal Weather Patterns: Although Valle de Bravo is suitable for flying year-round, it's important to be aware of the rainy season from May to September. During this period, mornings are typically clear and suitable for flying, with rain more likely in the afternoons and evenings.
Additional Resources: For those planning a trip to Valle de Bravo for paragliding, numerous online resources provide valuable information. These include maps, GPS coordinates, and detailed guides on flying conditions and practical tips for flying in Mexico. These resources are invaluable for both novice and experienced pilots looking to explore the skies over Valle de Bravo.
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El Peñon_Valle de Bravo
Altitude and Flight Conditions: El Peñón, at an altitude of 2344 meters and with a height difference of 650 meters, is a premier paragliding location. Known for its excellent cross-country (XC) flying opportunities, it is one of the top spots in Mexico, and arguably in the world, for paragliding.
Location and Best Time for Flying: Situated near Valle de Bravo, Mexico, El Peñón is a renowned site for ambitious flights. The months from December to March are particularly ideal for flying, with cloud bases reaching over 4,500 meters above mean sea level. During these months, pilots can often undertake flights of hundreds of kilometers.
Takeoff Site Improvements: The launch site at El Peñón was expanded in 2008 by the government of the Estado de Mexico, in preparation for the Mexico 2009 Paragliding World Championship. It’s noted for its wide forest clearing, making it well-suited for thermic and cross-country flights.
Shuttle Services and Landing Sites: Shuttle services are available from Valle de Bravo and from the El Peñón launch point (LP El Peñón). Pilots should be cautious of strong turbulence around midday at LP El Peñón. An alternative landing site is available at a football field on the other side of the mountain. The Valle de Bravo landing site, located near a lake and bistro, is spacious and visible from the takeoff point.
Flying Conditions: The site experiences strong thermals, especially after 10:30 AM, with the strongest thermal activity typically occurring around 11:30 AM. After 1 PM, takeoff can become challenging due to the intensity of the thermals. However, conditions often improve around 4 PM, offering what many pilots describe as "magic air." Evening wind reversals should be noted for safe flying.
Recommendations for Pilots: El Peñón is an excellent starting point for distance flights. However, pilots are advised to avoid flying from this site and landing at Piano (the main landing site) after 1 PM due to the potential strength of the thermals. Once airborne and away from the area, there are many great places to fly and land throughout the day.
Additional Resources: For those planning a trip to El Peñón, several online resources provide maps, GPS points, and practical information for flying in Mexico. These resources are invaluable for both novice and experienced pilots.
Challenges and Community Issues: The local pilot community has faced challenges with access restrictions and fees. However, a new launch site known as 'the wall' has been prepared and is gaining popularity, especially among local pilots.
Other Information: El Peñón is considered a challenging site with strong thermals, attracting experienced pilots for extensive cross-country flights. Common flights include trips to Valle de Bravo and landing by the lake. Less experienced pilots are advised to fly in the mornings or evenings when the thermals are milder.
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The Wall / Freedom
Altitude and Flight Potential: This paragliding site, situated at an altitude of 2516 meters, is occasionally used and offers potential for cross-country (XC) flying. Its relatively high altitude presents opportunities for longer and more challenging flights, appealing to pilots interested in XC adventures.
Location and Record: Located in the Valle de Bravo region of Mexico, this site has seen flights covering distances up to 30.3 kilometers, indicating favorable conditions for significant cross-country journeys.
New Launch Site Development: A new launch site is being developed in this area by Dave Prentice and Alles de Hombre. While Dave Prentice suggests naming it "Freedom," it's often referred to by pilots as "The Wall." This new launch site represents an exciting development for the paragliding community, offering fresh opportunities and experiences for pilots.
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H 1520 m, HD 350 m
rarely used, some xc possible
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Region: - MexicoSee flights near this point [ 2 ]Site record : 40.9 kmLink to more information : -
steile Wiese am Kraterrand. Kleines Startfenster wenn der Wind einsetzt, bis er zu stark wird. Gut für Soaring, Thermik und Strecke. Landschaftlich schön. Auffahrt mit Wegmaut, zu Fuß 15 min ab Wegende.
LP divers.
some XC possible:,cat:0,class:all,xctype:all,club:all,pilot:all,takeoff:8850
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N018° 50' 57.48" W100° 07' 48.00"© · last update 1/2013Feedback / Correction
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Takeoff Site: The takeoff point is located in Jungapeo, a region to the south of Tuxpan. This takeoff site is notable for its impressive surroundings, especially a canyon to the left that requires careful glide management to avoid getting stuck there. It's a challenging and exciting location for experienced paragliders.
Landing Site: The designated landing area is San José Purua. The narrative describes a specific flying experience where the plan initially was to land on the plateau above and behind the takeoff area. However, upon reaching the base and spotting a couple of potential landing sites, the pilots decided to embark on a cross-country (XC) flight.
In-Flight Experience: The pilots, including Esteban and the author, managed to surf over a hill near a dump site where they met another pilot, Juan Carlos. They spent some time gaining altitude in this area. The author then decided to cross the canyon to a village on the other side, as he had sufficient altitude to do so.
Landing Challenges: The landing in San José Purua is a bit tricky due to strong winds.
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H 2183 m
rarely used, small xc possible
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Region: Michoacan - MexicoSee flights near this point [ 8 ]Site record : 11.5 kmLink to more information : -
Region: Michoacán - MexicoFlüge in der Nähe dieses Punktes anzeigen [ 1 ]Fluggebietsrekord : 3.0 kmLink für mehr Information : -,cat:0,class:all,xctype:all,club:all,pilot:all,takeoff:9780
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N019° 23' 56.13" W100° 22' 06.39"© · last update 1/2013Feedback / Correction
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Patzcuaro_Cerro del Estribo
H 2326 m
regularly used, xc possible
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Region: - MexicoSee flights near this point [ 60 ]Site record : 26.7 kmLink to more information : -,cat:0,class:all,xctype:all,club:all,pilot:0_0,takeoff:8939&sortOrder=FLIGHT_POINTS
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Nordamerika » Mexico
(4635) Fluggebiet Cerro del Estribo
Hoch oben im mexikanischen Gebirge zeigt sich der echte Profi! Hier an den Hängen des Cerro del Estribo
geht es richtig zur Sache. Die schnell wechselnde und starke Thermik erfordert volle Konzentration des Piloten!
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N019° 31' 02.33" W101° 38' 26.93"© · last update 1/2013Feedback / Correction
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H 2250 m
regularly used, good xc possible
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Region: - MexicoSee flights near this point [ 87 ]Site record : 75.8 kmLink to more information : -
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Region: - MexicoSee flights near this point [ 86 ]Site record : 75.8 kmLink to more information : -
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Nordamerika » Mexico
(4634) Fluggebiet La Escalera
Von 11 Uhr morgens bis 19 Uhr abends finden vor allen Anfänger hier in den Monaten November bis Mai exzellente Flugbedingungen mit stabiler Thermik vor.
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N019° 38' 25.34" W101° 00' 02.78"© · last update 1/2013Feedback / Correction
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H 3800 m
rarely used, walk&fly, small-medium flight
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N019° 12' 33.77" W099° 15' 10.80"© · last update 1/2013Feedback / Correction
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The Flag_Bandera
H 2102 m
occasionally used, soaring. small xc possibility
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Region: MORELIA - MexicoSee flights near this point [ 9 ]Site record : 28.7 kmLink to more information :,cat:0,class:all,xctype:all,club:all,pilot:all,takeoff:9858
N019° 40' 33.26" W101° 09' 57.85"© · last update 1/2013Feedback / Correction
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Ixtapan de la Sal
H 2455 m
occasionally used, xc possible
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Region: - MexicoSee flights near this point [ 19 ]Site record : 64.7 kmLink to more information : -
N018° 53' 51.60" W099° 44' 22.07"© · last update 1/2013Feedback / Correction
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Malinalco_El Picacho
H 2456 m
regularly used, xc possible. toplanding possible / normal.
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Region: - MexicoSee flights near this point [ 15 ]Site record : 18.0 kmLink to more information : -
Take off : A part of beautiful grass covered sheep grazing pastures, a south-east facing launch with the wind usually crossing 45 degrees from the right. There is a also a true south facing alternate further on down the trail from launch. It is a rather steep launch.
More information on ParaglidingEarth,cat:0,class:all,xctype:all,club:all,pilot:all,takeoff:9114
Altitud: 2350 m.
Localidad: Malinalco (El Picacho)
Provincia: Estado de Mexico
Descripción general:
Poblaciones cercanas: Malinalco a 10 Km
Picacho: 800 m
Orientación del despegue: S - SO
Temporadas y Horarios recomendados: Todo el año. Todo el día según nivel.
Nivel mínimo del Piloto: Principiantes
Condiciones de vuelo: Vuelo sencillo por las mañanas, térmico en las horas centrales del día, y buen soaring con restitución por las tardes.
Acceso al despegue: Desde el D.F. tomar la carretera México-Toluca hasta La Marquesa, ahí desviarse a Malinalco, hasta llegar al poblado El Picacho antes de Malinalco. En la curva, ahí desviarse en el empedrado de bajada hasta el final. Hay que caminar los últimos 300mts.
Precio : 30 Pesos por vuelo al dueño del terreno.
Otras Actividades: No hay que olvidar que Malinalco es un sitio arqueológico y no hay que irse sin subir a su Pirámide y sin pasear por su zócalo y degustar las truchas de la zona preparadas de diferentes formas.
Comentarios: Es el lugar de vuelo más cercano al DF, ideal para el piloto recién salido de la escuela como al que gusta del cross.
Rutas Sugeridas: En todo el Valle, sobre las ruinas u otras opciones. XC hacia el volcán y seguir hacia el W.
Piano y Aterrizaje: Los aterrizajes son evidentes en los campos a lo largo de la carretera abajo en el valle (hay que tener la precaución de no aterrizar en los que estén sembrados).
Advertencias: El despegue es fácil y amplio sobre hierba, no suele venir el viento bien encarado de Sur sino un poco de suroeste.
060 Cruz Roja : (722) 217 25 40
Bomberos : (722) 217 55 58
Rescate : 57 22 88 05
Ayuntamiento : (714) 147 10 42
Emergencias : (714) 147 10 42
Posada Doña Bibis : (714) 147 03 69
El Asoleadero : (714) 147 01 84
Mármol : (714) 147 09 16
Casa Mora : (714) 147 05 72
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Nordamerika » Mexico
(4608) Fluggebiet Malinalco
Gestart wird auf einer großen Wiese (Startplatz 1) oder etwas kleiner und steiler, dafür aber mehr südlich ausgerichtet (Startplatz 2)
Die Startplätze sind gut gepflegt und auch gedüngt von den Schafherden hier
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N019° 00' 30.42" W099° 28' 07.92"© · last update 1/2013Feedback / Correction
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Malinalco Don Tomas
H 2080 m
rarely used, thermal soaring
Region: Mexico - MexicoSee flights near this point [ 1 ]Site record : 1.1 kmLink to more information : -Launch in rotor. Only when is no wind. Possible crosses
N 18°57'606 - W 99°30'403.
Landing : small soccer camp 1 km below
N018° 57' 54.24" W099° 30' 24.63"© · last update 1/2013Feedback / Correction
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H 2308 m
occasionally used, xc possible
Region: Michoacan - MexicoSee flights near this point [ 10 ]Site record : 25.8 kmLink to more information :
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N019° 34' 09.71" W100° 29' 32.66"© · last update 1/2013Feedback / Correction
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Cotes Cliffs
H 32 m, L 17.000 m
no flightlogs found but looks spectecular.
A 10 mile long coastal cliff soaring site.
Top landing is generally easy and with only minor gaps, the entire length can usually be flown. Camping with no facilities other than the town of Colonet about 8 miles away.
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H 2162 m
rarely used, small flights. (long flight logged is from a sailplane)
Region: PATZCUARO, MICH, MEXICO - MexicoSee flights near this point [ 3 ]Site record : 39.6 kmLink to more information : -A very small hill as an option to take off in patzcuaro with south wind.,cat:1,class:all,xctype:all,club:all,pilot:0_0,takeoff:9981
N019° 33' 25.36" W101° 34' 30.05"© · last update 1/2013Feedback / Correction
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Cerro San Bernardino - where?
H 2245 m / HD 139 m / leicht
Nordamerika » Mexico
(4640) Fluggebiet Cerro San Bernardino
Hohe Anfängerflugseite am Cerro San Bernadino. Mitten im mexikanischen Gebirge an einem großem See gelegen, bietet die Thermik gerade Anfängern eine gute Basis für einen Flug in großer Höhe.
Mehr Informationen zu dem Fluggebiet unter
Sten Maldoado, M. Bravo 210 D, Oaxaca, Mexico
Tel. (0052)-9-51 47204
Auf der Homepage befinden sich Links zu Wetterstationen und auch die einzelnen Fluggebiete werden gut erklärt. Sten ist seit mehreren Jahren Fluglehrer, bietet Tandemflüge und Touren in die umliegenden Fluggebiete an. Er spricht spanisch, englisch und schwedisch.
Anfahrt:Die Flugseite befindet sich im Estadio Puebla in Atlisco.
N018° 56' 39.28" W098° 27' 43.58"© · last update 1/2013Feedback / Correction
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La Malinche_Tenancingo
H 2247 m
regularly used, xc possible
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Region: Tenancingo - MexicoSee flights near this point [ 28 ]Site record : 14.8 kmLink to more information : -New Takeoff discovered by Marco Guillermo, and old timer pilot and instructor in Mexico. Take off is now well conditioned. Only 4x4 vehicles are capable of arriving to the site. Walking time is about 15 minutes.
Take off : The La Malinche Launch is located on an angular inter-valley ridgeline so that it is unique in the entire region to pick up thermals from three valleys on three sides to where they join up into the major house thermal located over the remains of the pre-columbian hilltop fortress of Acatzingo. It is the best suited launch for 360 degrees of options in xc flight iand there are landing zones in all directions. It has a relatively low AGL so it is very important to find lift in the first few minutes, but the lift generally increases with altitude. It is a south facing PG/HG launch with 4WD or strong 2WD access, or it is a 15 minute hike from the road below. Taxi rate from town to the foot of the hill - 6 pesos. See-
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The most convienent landing zones are not visible from launch, as one of the best routes is to fly up and over the back towards the city of Tenancingo. See-
It seems that a lot of new visiting pilots have not figured out how to fly UP and out of the area, but rather land down in the 'cabanas' LZ below launch. This can mean a long hike down to a sleepy little pueblo where the taxis are slow to pass.
The other option is a 30 or 40 minute hike back up to launch, but don't attempt this if you don't know where the trail is at. The brush is full of thorny Cat's Claw bushes and making your own trail can be a miserable way to spend the day, or night. So listen up!!
The trail is found by walking uphill first following the ridgeline, and then going to the RIGHT, that is to say the SOUTH side of the property above with the cows. The trail is there found and when it forks into two, you go to the LEFT. The rest is simple.,cat:0,class:all,xctype:all,club:all,pilot:0_0,takeoff:10024&sortOrder=FLIGHT_POINTS
N018° 55' 21.20" W099° 35' 50.74"© · last update 1/2013Feedback / Correction
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H 2328 m
rarely used, xc possible
Direct link to flights,cat:0,class:all,xctype:all,club:all,pilot:all,takeoff:9114
N019° 00' 46.74" W099° 05' 25.48"© · last update 1/2013Feedback / Correction
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H 2333 m
frequently used, good XC possible
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Region: - MexicoSee flights near this point [ 88 ]Site record : 81.9 kmLink to more information : -
Take off : South oriented. 350 mts over the valley. For XC the best hour is 11 to 15 hrs. For soaring from 15 to 19 hrs. You rise the paraglide in a Venturi. Reverse TkO is recommended.
Season opens middle March and close middle December.
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N018° 57' 48.66" W098° 20' 31.50"© · last update 1/2013Feedback / Correction
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