Best Conditions
The Whaleback, located just north of Mt. Shasta in the Klamath National Forest, is a popular flying site known for its excellent evening flights and cross-country potential. This site is frequently used for thermal soaring, and very good XC flights are possible. Top-landing is also an option here. The site is accessible by a 2WD vehicle.
Region: Shasta Valley, CA - USA
Flight Types: Thermal, XC, Glass-off
Season: Summer and early fall (when the access road is clear of snowpack)
Glider Restrictions: Speed or mini wings are not permitted.
Pilot Proficiency: Minimum USHPA P3/H3 rating; P2/H2 pilots can fly under appropriate conditions with a mentor or instructor present. Special skill endorsements for flat slope launch (FSL), cliff launch (CL), high altitude (HA), and turbulence (TUR) are recommended.
Membership Requirements: USHPA membership is required as this is a USHPA insured site. RVHPA membership is requested but optional.
Launch Coordinates: 41.534, -122.153 (41° 32.118’N, 122° 9.156’W); Elevation: 7437 ft. (2267 m); Flat slope launch on gravel.
Wind Directions and Speed: 260 to 300 degrees; 3-14 mph for paragliders, 10-20 mph for hang gliders.
Primary LZ Coordinates: 41.5505, -122.2 (41° 33.030’N, 122° 12.000’W); Elevation: 4480 ft. (1364 m); Glide Ratio: 4.8
Radios & Communication: Local frequency is 151.505 MHz; cell service is good on launch but variable in the LZ depending on the carrier.
Emergencies: Dial 911.
Access: 2WD accessible via US highway, paved and dirt US Forest Service roads (after snowpack has melted).
Airspace & Air Traffic: No airspace restrictions in the immediate vicinity; sailplane traffic is common. Be aware of airspace restrictions near Klamath Falls airport and military operation areas along XC routes.
Landing Restrictions: Landing in the Lava Beds National Monument is prohibited. Do not land in crop fields.
Weather Hazards: Overdevelopment, cloud suck, strong desert conditions, dust devils, thermic LZ, high winds, density altitude.
Weather Info: NWS Forecast for LZ, SoarCast, Grass Lake webcam.
Rules & Regulations: The Whaleback launch and primary LZ are on public Klamath National Forest lands, and all National Forest rules and regulations apply. Smoking outside a vehicle is not permitted during periods of high fire danger. A fire permit is required for any campfire or camp stove use year-round.
Flying The Whaleback: The Whaleback is an inland high-altitude, high-desert flying site with changing weather conditions throughout the day. Early morning conditions are calm, with increasing thermal development and winds by late morning. Early afternoon brings stronger conditions and cumulus cloud development. By late afternoon, thermals weaken, making for smooth evening flying. Winds often go catabatic in the late evening.
Pilot Proficiency: The Whaleback is generally an intermediate to advanced level site. Novice pilots (P2/H2) should only fly with an experienced mentor and avoid mid-day flying. Intermediate pilots should monitor changing conditions closely. Advanced pilots will find conditions suitable for XC flights in the afternoon but need to be aware of evolving conditions.
Launch & LZ: The launch works with NW to SW winds and is a flat slope with a steep drop-off. The primary LZ is visible from launch and is a 5:1 glide. Parking is limited at both the LZ and launch, so carpooling is recommended.
Cross Country: The Whaleback is a common launching point for XC flights, mostly heading north or northeast. Pilots should carry maps, a GPS, a satellite location tracker, extra water, food, spare batteries, a headlamp, and enough clothing for an overnight stay. Landing in the Lava Beds National Monument is prohibited.
Amenities: There are no amenities at The Whaleback. The nearest towns with services are Weed (14 miles south) and Macdoel (25 miles north). Gas is available along I-5 at Grenada and on Route A12 at Big Springs. The Deer Mountain Snow Park has a pit toilet, picnic tables, BBQ pits, and a forested camping area but no water source.
Directions: The Whaleback is located about 15 miles north of Weed, CA on US Highway 97. The primary LZ is a little more than ½ mile east of US Highway 97 on Military Pass Road. To reach the launch from the LZ, return to Highway 97, go north two miles, and turn east onto Deer Mountain Road (Forest Road 19). Follow this paved road past the Deer Mountain Snow Park, then turn right onto dirt road 42N24. After 3.1 miles, turn right onto unsigned road 42N24A and go 1.6 miles to the launch area. The road to launch is usually accessible by late June or early July and is snowed in again by early to mid-November.
Support The Whaleback Flying Site: RVHPA maintains and enhances The Whaleback flying site. Please support this work by becoming a member of RVHPA or making an online donation.
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