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Paragliding Saléve La Clusaz

Paragliding Saléve La Clusaz

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : N NNW NW WNW NNE
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 25 kmh Gust Max : 30 kmh


Takeoff altitude: 1178 m, Height difference: 745 m. This site is frequently used and offers good thermal soaring conditions, making it suitable for cross-country (XC) flights. You can take off and land in either France or Switzerland, providing a unique opportunity to experience both countries in one flight. Region: Haute-Savoie, France. The site record is 69.6 km. Flight regulation: The site is within the TMA flight zone of Geneva Airport. The absolute maximum authorized altitude is 1700 m above sea level. For more information, contact the Club de Vol Libre de Genève in Troinex, Geneva, Switzerland. Visit their website at [Paradelta]( Current wind conditions can be checked at [Wind Data]( and [Wind Spot]( A live webcam is available at [Webcam]( Orientation: North to North-West. Access: By road from Annemasse, take the route to Monnetier-Mornex, direction 'Le Salève'. From Collonges-sous-Salève, take the route to 'La Croisette' then head towards Monnetier-Mornex. Park at the hotel de la table d'orientation and take the path to the right of the hotel terrace. Alternatively, take the cable car and walk 20 minutes towards 'l'observatoire'. Altitude: 1200 m. Flight conditions: Favorable for thermal conditions, especially in the North to North-West sector. Dangers and difficulties: The takeoff is followed by a cliff. Respect the TMA of Geneva Airport. Contact: Club de Vol Libre du Salève, 167 Impasse de Verdun, 74100 LE PAS DE L'ECHELLE, France. Phone: + Visit their websites at [Salève Vol Libre]( and [Air Salève]( Takeoff: Salève in France. Start window: Orientation NW, Difficulty: Difficult, Altitude: 1200 m, Cable car: Yes, Coordinates: 6.18831387, 46.14850611, Walking time: 15 min. Take the cable car from Veyrier to Salève. The takeoff site is a steep, rocky meadow. Do not climb higher than 300 m above Salève (1600 m above sea level). Overflying the city is prohibited.
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