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Wind Dir. :
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 25 mph Gust Max : 18 mph
Mount Diablo, located in the USA, is a popular site for advanced paragliding and hang gliding pilots. The site offers a variety of soaring experiences, including thermal soaring and cross-country (XC) flights. The launch area is accessible by car, and there is a campground nearby. Top landing is possible.
The site record for a flight at Mount Diablo is 129.2 km. For more details, visit [Wilder Adventures]( and the [Wings of Rogallo]( club page.
Mount Diablo is open only to USHPA advanced-rated pilots (P4 for paragliding and H4 for hang gliding). Mini-wings are not allowed. Pilots must be members of USHPA and the Wings of Rogallo Northern California Hang Gliding Association Inc. Additionally, pilots must sign the Mt. Diablo Waiver, sign in at the ranger station, and receive a site introduction from an experienced pilot.
The Juniper Launch, located at the Juniper Campground on Northgate Road, features a smooth, rolling hillside suitable for launches from SSW to WNW in light to strong winds. The launch is at 2,900 feet MSL, approximately 1,900 feet above the landing area. The required glide ratio for the landing zone (LZ) is 4.4:1.
Recommended wind limits for paragliders are:
- Best wind direction: SW to W
- Minimum: 0 mph
- Ideal: 5 mph
- Maximum: 15 mph
Recommended wind limits for hang gliders are:
- Best wind direction: SW to W
- Minimum: 0 mph
- Ideal: 7 mph
- Maximum: 20 mph
For more information on site rules and requirements, visit the [Wings of Rogallo site rules page](
The takeoff area is a large grassy field, while the landing zones consist of small fields with uneven terrain. There are multiple LZ options for XC flights. Mid-day summer conditions can be robust, so pilots should be prepared.
For site introduction and stickers, contact Wings of Rogallo or the Bay Area Paragliding Association (BAPA) at [BAPA]( It is crucial to use only designated launch and landing zones to preserve the site, as it is located in a sensitive State Park.
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