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Paragliding Macher_Mt. Tinasoria

Paragliding Macher_Mt. Tinasoria

Best Conditions

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H 425-440 m, HD 250 m / easy rating 4/6 frequently used (often no flightlogs), good soaring / thermal soaring. some xc possible (xc mainly for HG). toplanding relatively easy. Region: Macher - SpainSee flights near this point [ 1698 ]Site record : 25.1 kmLink to more information : - Direct link to flights For weak to medium Southeast wind launch at the ridge, here - or even kite a bit further up. take low takeoff for stronger wind. function cIt(iIP) XC possible on good thermal days, e.g. to Quemada or even to Papagayo. You are within the CTR. Normally flying here is accepted, but be aware - flying high in the direction of the sea means you are very near the big airliners going to/coming from the main airport. flying direction NNE is NOT recommended, you will get too near to the airport. Soaring and thermic. With a paraglider you can jump to the next 2 hills north, the next one is more difficult. Great for training Toplandings! Look out for the many power-lines in the valley below. If you sink below a certain altitude, proceed to land instead of fighting too long. Access: Drive up from Macher to a ridge where you can see the ruins of some buildings Flug Am Mittag starkwindig und am Abend ein schön laminarer Aufwind. Schwierigkeit Sehr ruppige Winde und unheimlich starker Wind am Startplatz können die Sache nicht ganz einfach gestalten. In der Mitte des Hügels stören Elektrokabel. Nicht ins Lee treiben lassen, die Landung könnte hart werden zwischen den Mauern der Weintrauben. Besonderheiten und Webcam Wenn der Wind zu stark ist, gehen die Gleitschirme meistens nach Playa Quemada Soaring Soaringbedingungen: Das Soaren beschränkt sich nicht auf allzuviel Platz. Die Kante ist ca. maximal 1km lang. Wenn zu viele Piloten in der Luft sind, kann sofort Top gelandet werden. Wissenswertes Anfahrt:Über eine holprige Straße kommt Ihr bis zur Spitze. Nehmt die Straße nach La Asomada vom Fuße des Hügels.Dann seht Ihr den Holperweg schon linker Hand. Soaring and thermic. With a paraglider you can jump to the next 2 hills north, the next one is more difficult. Great for training Toplandings! Look out for the many power-lines in the valley below. If you sink below a certain altitude, proceed to land instead of fighting too long. Wind: E-NE Access: Drive up from Macher to a ridge where you can see the ruins of some buildings Start: Easy Landing: There is 2 places: One better suited for Paragliders (Waypoint MACHLP) the other better for Hanggliders You can orientate at the traffic circle. - Take off : More information on ParaglidingEarth DHV Details anzeigen N028° 57' 09.91"   W013° 42' 43.97"© · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularity: 75 Views

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