Travel guide Paragliding Vendée

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Paragliding Lizay

Paragliding Lizay

Best Conditions

Wind Dir. : NNW NW WNW
Wind: Mini: 15| Maxi 25 kmh Gust Max : kmh


Petit spot de soaring. Attention à la dune et aux plagistes.
Popularity: 194 Views

Next optimal sessions

(Calculated by the Spots Guru algorithm)

    Monday 14 October

    08:22 19:21
  • 17h

    WNW 19 | 58km/h
    617 m 100 %
  • 18h

    WNW 21 | 51km/h
    544 m 100 %
  • 19h

    WNW 21 | 38km/h
    361 m 100 %
  • Wednesday 16 October

    08:25 19:17
  • 15h

    NNW 23 | 14km/h
    1007 m 31 %

Weather Forecast Paragliding Lizay

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Travel guide Paragliding Vendée

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