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Best Conditions
H 103 m, HD 55 m / medium
rating 4/6
main takeoff; frequently used, thermal soaring, some xc.
Not for beginners. toplanding normal.
parking directly at launch. flat terrain but pointed small stones.
there is an alternative launch in the middle of the bowl directly N oriented, but if El Cuchillo is 'on', this takeoff here is more comfortable.
Region: null - SpainSee flights near this point [ 450 ]Site record : 32.3 kmLink to more information : -
Region: null - SpainSee flights near this point [ 213 ]Site record : 45.2 kmLink to more information : -
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Halber Vulkanrater als Spielplatz bei Nordwind. Nur 100 m Höhe, von hier wurden aber auch schon Strecken bis Fuertoventura geflogen.
Soaring and sometimes strong thermic (Black fields below) The site looks like a half-circle
Wind: N like in Mirador, strength is approx the same as there.
Access: Directly north of El Cuchillo, see Waypoint CUCHIL in List
Start: Easy, there is a start at the top and another one a little ways west and ~20m down (black field)
Landing: Easy to find: at the center of this half-circle
Take off : HG TO at N29.08598 W13.65459.
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N029° 05' 19.12" W013° 39' 32.76"© · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
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