Guide de voyage Parapente Verbier

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Parapente Axalp Skiberg

Parapente Axalp Skiberg

Conditions Optimales

Optimal Wind Direction

Optimal Speed (kmh)


Located in the Bern region of Switzerland, this paragliding site offers occasional flights, primarily for enjoyment and panoramic views. The site is situated at an altitude of 1566 meters with a height difference of 1000 meters. The best seasons to fly here are summer and autumn, but it is not suitable during Bise (northeast wind) conditions. To reach the launch site, drive from Brienz to Kurhaus Axalp and then walk for about 15 minutes. Alternatively, you can use the Bergstraße/Postauto and park at Sporthotel Axalp, followed by a 15-minute walk on the mountain road. The launch site is a steep, uneven meadow in a large forest clearing, oriented to the northwest and considered easy to launch from. Coordinates for the launch site are 8.03504463, 46.71654291. Evening flights over Lake Brienz are particularly beautiful, with opportunities to soar towards Axalphorn/Wildgarst. Flights to Meiringen are possible, and in the evening, you can enjoy the return thermals over Lake Brienz. Note that a military railway leads to Axalphorn, and the area is often a turning point for flights from Schynige Platte. Caution is advised as this is a Föhn wind area, and flights from Axalp launch site are strongly discouraged during Bise conditions. The site is within the CTR of the Meiringen military airfield, but flying is usually permitted when military operations are not active. Military flight times are Monday to Friday, 0730-1205 and 1315-1705. Flying in the CTR is only allowed after coordination with the flight service manager and maintaining constant radio contact. For more information, contact +41 33 972 67 01 or use flight radio AM 135.475. For more details, visit the local club's website: [Fluggruppe Oberhasli-Brienz]( and check the information board [here]( The flight school 'Birdwing' offers evening flights during the summer from the landing zone 'Forsthaus'. If there is space available, you can join for a small fee. More information can be found on their website: [Birdwing](
Popularité: 103 Vues

Prochaines sessions optimales

(Calculé par l'algorithme de Spots Guru)

    Mardi 18 Février

    07:26 17:56
  • 13h

    NNW 4 | 9km/h
    3052 m 0 %
  • 14h

    NNW 4 | 9km/h
    3235 m 7 %
  • 15h

    NW 4 | 9km/h
    3430 m 15 %
  • 16h

    WNW 4 | 9km/h
    3528 m 22 %
  • 17h

    WNW 3 | 7km/h
    3369 m 40 %
  • Mercredi 19 Février

    07:24 17:58
    2 jours de Prévision par semaine sont réservée aux membres.
    Vous êtes un pro ou un club ? Offrez ces prévisions aux utilisateurs et faites la promotion de votre service.

    Jeudi 20 Février

    07:22 17:59
  • 15h

    WNW 3 | 11km/h
    3345 m 79 %
  • 16h

    WNW 3 | 11km/h
    3259 m 84 %
  • 17h

    W 1 | 10km/h
    3003 m 78 %
  • Dimanche 23 Février

    07:17 18:04
    2 jours de Prévision par semaine sont réservée aux membres.
    Vous êtes un pro ou un club ? Offrez ces prévisions aux utilisateurs et faites la promotion de votre service.

    Lundi 24 Février

    07:15 18:05
  • 10h

    NNW 4 | 1km/h
    2332 m 11 %
  • 11h

    NNW 6 | 2km/h
    2344 m 10 %
  • 12h

    NNW 7 | 3km/h
    2320 m 9 %
  • 13h

    NNW 8 | 3km/h
    2332 m 8 %
  • 14h

    NNW 8 | 3km/h
    2332 m 13 %
  • 15h

    NNW 8 | 3km/h
    2296 m 19 %
  • Jeudi 27 Février

    07:10 18:10
  • 12h

    NNW 6 | 3km/h
    3296 m 0 %
  • 13h

    NNW 7 | 3km/h
    3174 m 0 %
  • 14h

    NNW 8 | 3km/h
    3064 m 0 %
  • 15h

    NNW 8 | 3km/h
    2906 m 0 %
  • 16h

    NNW 8 | 3km/h
    2723 m 0 %
  • 17h

    NNW 4 | 3km/h
    2430 m 0 %
  • Vendredi 28 Février

    07:08 18:11
  • 10h

    NNW 3 | 2km/h
    2479 m 15 %
  • 11h

    NNW 5 | 3km/h
    2515 m 15 %
  • Samedi 01 Mars

    07:06 18:13
    2 jours de Prévision par semaine sont réservée aux membres.
    Vous êtes un pro ou un club ? Offrez ces prévisions aux utilisateurs et faites la promotion de votre service.

Prévisions Météo Paragliding Axalp Skiberg

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Guide de voyage Parapente Verbier

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Parapente Axalp Skiberg
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