Take off from Babadag Mountain, one of the highest commercial paragliding take-off sites in the world. Enjoy the incredible sea view and the blue lagoon before landing easily on the lovely golden sands of Oludeniz beach.
This site is fantastic for beginners who want to experience paragliding while on their summer holidays. The conditions are usually stable, with some decent thermals that experienced paragliders can make the most of.
Flights are frequent, and some cross-country (XC) flying is possible. The region is Fethiye-Ölüdeniz in Turkey. The site record is 82.0 km.
In 2012, the surface on launching zones and roads up the mountain was improved. Transport is now provided with closed buses, making the journey much faster than in previous years.
This is the last and upper launch you reach on your way up to Babadag Mountain, facing towards the sea and inland. Landing is at the beach.
For more information, you can visit [Flightlog](http://www.flightlog.org/fl.html?l=1&a=22&country_id=215&start_id=959) and watch a video of the experience on [YouTube](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVs5uNRR3iM).
For guided tours, you can contact Escape with Jocky Sanderson at [EscapeXC](http://www.escapexc.com) or call Tel. 0044 01768 771 442.
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