RASP (Regional Atmospheric Soaring Prediction) is a valuable tool for paragliding, hang gliding, and sailplane pilots. Here's a comprehensive list of RASP models available worldwide, organized by geographic region.
What is RASP and Why is it Special?
RASP (Regional Atmospheric Soaring Prediction) represents a significant advancement in weather forecasting for aerial sports. Unlike conventional weather models, RASP is specifically designed to predict soaring conditions for glider pilots, paragliders, and hang gliders. What sets it apart from standard weather forecasts are several key advantages:
- Higher Resolution: RASP can operate at much finer resolutions (down to 1-6 km) than typical government weather models. This increased precision allows it to accurately predict local phenomena that are crucial for soaring flight.
- Specialized Predictions: While standard weather models focus on general conditions like temperature, wind, and precipitation, RASP specifically calculates thermal activity, cloud formation, and other parameters essential for soaring pilots. It provides detailed information about:
- Thermal strength and height
- Mountain wave conditions
- Cloud development
- Vertical air movements
- Topographic Integration: The model fully incorporates the influence of terrain features, using actual "equations of motion" rather than simple interpolation. This is particularly important in mountainous areas where local effects significantly impact flying conditions.
- Local Control: Because RASP can be run independently by soaring enthusiasts on their own computers, it allows for:
- Customized output times tailored to local flying schedules
- Specific area coverage focusing on popular flying sites
- Adjustable parameters to match local conditions
- Regular updates throughout the day
- Mountain Wave Detection: Unlike standard weather models, RASP can predict individual non-hydrostatic mountain wave updrafts when run at high resolution, a crucial feature for cross-country soaring pilots.
North America
United States
- CaliforniaSanta Barbara (1.3 & 4 km resolution) - topaflyers.com/RASP/SANTABARB
- Los Angeles & San Diego (1.3 & 4 km resolution) - soaringpredictor.info
- Avenal (0.9 km resolution) - canv.raspmaps.com/RASP/SIERRA/FCST
- Santa Ynez (0.9 km resolution) - santaynez.raspmaps.com
- San Diego (0.9 km resolution) - canv.raspmaps.com/RASP/SDYC
- Norcal Coast - rasp.nfshost.com/norcal-coast
- OregonNorth Plains (Willamette Valley Soaring Club) - caztech.com/RASP/NorthPlains
- WashingtonEphrata - caztech.com/RASP/ephrata
- Pacific NorthwestPacific NW USA/Canada (1.3 & 4 km resolution) - wxtofly.net
- New EnglandNew England states - soargbsc.net/rasp
- Pemberton, British Columbia (0.8 km resolution) - canadarasp.com
- Central Europe and Germany (4 & 12 km resolution) - rasp.linta.de/GERMANY
- Central Germany (2 km resolution) - aufwin.de
- Southern Italy (6 km resolution) - parapendiolestreghe.it
Baltic Region
- Baltic Region, Southern Finland, Western Russia (7.2 km resolution) - parool.ee/ilm/EESTID
- National coverage (6 km resolution) - soaringweather.no-ip.info
- National coverage -
- Meteo-parapente (paid)
All operated by blipmap.glider.jp with 2.6 km resolution:
- Kanto - BLIPMAP/univiewer.html
- Tohoku - BLIPMAP/univiewer_t.html
- Chubu - univiewer_c.html
- Hokkaido - univiewer.html
- Kyushu - univiewer_q.html
- South Australia (12 km resolution) - ospot.xyz/RASP
New Zealand
- National coverage (3.3 km resolution) - rasp.nz/rasp
South Africa
- South-Western South Africa (4 & 1.3 km resolution) - rasp.org.za
RASP Model Installation
For those interested in setting up their own RASP model, detailed instructions are available
on GitHub: github.com/B4dWo1f/RUN/wiki/RUN-installation
Additional Resources
- European Thermal Map: thermalmap.info/forecast.php
This list is not exhaustive, drop me a mail thespotsguru - at - gmail.com to add more gems βοΈ
Note: The indicated resolutions correspond to the forecast models' precision. The finer the resolution (smaller number), the more detailed the forecasts are for the area concerned.
Last updated: October 2024